A New Year Note from Our Founder
Jena here. I know many people are feeling a bit tired of creating New Year resolutions. I recently read an article in The Financial Times about creating a list of goals called 24 for 2024. I love this concept because it takes a lot of the pressure off creating unrealistic expectations for ourselves.
I would love you to join me and write 24 goals you’d like to achieve in 2024. They can be anything from setting financial goals, to getting better sleep or traveling to somewhere you’ve never been. Some of my personal goals are to travel less, to not work as hard, to continue healing my digestion and to stay in one time zone longer than three months so that I can balance my hormones.
Manifesting Tip:
If you dream and imagine a certain vision or goal for yourself, focus on the end of seeing it happening. Feel it as if it was real, put in the effort, have unwavering faith and let go of how it will happen or which road will lead to that vision and eventually that vision will manifest for you. Let go of how. Picture the outcome. Let go of the face or job you think you need to have to fulfill that vision. If I had gotten caught up with thinking how I would take Agent to where it is now with just $300 I never would have done it. Don’t get caught up in the how. Set the goal and put one foot in front of the other and allow the path to unfold and for the universe to lead.
For example, if you want to be on the cover of Forbes, see yourself on the cover and don’t hold tightly to the job you think will take you there. Manifesting is delayed when you hold on to the path. Be open to changing courses, jobs, directions and paths and just hold tight to your vision and KNOW LIKE YOU KNOW LIKE YOU KNOW IT WILL HAPPEN FOR YOU!
Lastly, a health update and tips for avoiding winter sickness:
Some of you know I’ve had digestive issues mostly all of 2023. I tried so many products that temporarily worked for a few days or so, but the symptoms kept getting worse. Then one day, Lesley Rubinoff aka @theholistichealthgenius reached out to me and told me she could help. You know I’m always up to be a guinea pig, and to be truthful, I didn’t have high expectations because nothing was helping me. I started her protocol three weeks ago and I already feel so much better. My gut health, energy and immune system have all improved. I’m tough to please, and I’m amazed by the results. I’m not an affiliate of Lesley’s and I don’t make anything off of saying this. I just like to share all I learn and all that’s helping me. Her supplement called Gutsy along with Thorne’s advanced digestive enzymes help with stomach aches, digestion and bloating. Her fulvic acid and colloidal silver help with immunity and energy. I was around so many sick people in December, and I was skiing in the freezing cold - but I truly believe I didn’t get sick because of these two products. And when I felt a scratchy throat or congestion coming on, I drank the silver and put it up my nostrils, and I instantly felt better.
HAPPY 2024!
With Love,