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Agent Woman Christy Goldsby

Agent Woman Christy Goldsby

Agent Woman

[ey-juhnt woo m-uh n]


A woman who embodies the spirit of truth, authenticity and ingenuity. She lives her potential, embracing her unique gifts and shining her light to consciously create a better world. As an Agent of beauty and inspiration, she is a woman admired by our founder, Jena Covello.

Meet Agent Woman, Christy Goldsby. As founder of Honey Mamas, Christy makes decadent, honey sweetened, chocolate bars using only the purest ingredients. Growing up in a family of cooks, bakers, farmers and gardeners, the kitchen was always a place of celebration, creativity, nourishment and joy for Christy. She started Honey Mamas as a way to share celebrated family traditions, her love of nature and passion for healthy living. Determined to impact conscious eating, Christy delivers a comfort food experience, using only the highest quality, nutrient-rich, ingredients.

Name: Christy Goldsby

Instagram: @HoneyMamas

Daily uniform: Black zipper boots, jeans, tee or sweater, larimar earrings and necklace and hair in “updo” clips.

AM ritual: Coffee and quiet, movement (walk/weights/dance/yoga)

PM wind down: Walk. Always put on music, to transition out of work brain. And then connect with my husband and cook something delish.

Feel-good song: Happy Man by Jungle

A mistake you’ve learned from: Owning a business with family.

To your younger self: Anything is achievable, believe that and just stick with itListen to your gut and act on it.

A wellness expert who has significantly helped you: David Barton, 5 Element Acupuncturist

Favorite wellness/beauty book: The Body Ecology Diet (Donna Gates)

Go-to stress remedy: Walk in the natural world / bath / Charlotte’s Web Mint Chocolate Hemp Extract

Supplements you can’t live without: Super EFA oil, Methyl Guard, HMF Forte Probiotic, Vitamin D, Natural Vitality Calm (magnesium)

Three things you’re really into right now: Chia pudding for breakfast, circuit training and hanging out at my super peaceful new home.

Top 3 Instagram accounts for inspiration: @traceeellisross @beyonce @thedailyshow

Your ultimate indulgence: Honey Mama’s bar, ice cream and warm chocolate sauce.

Must-have Agent Nateur product: holi (Rose) N4 deodorant (amaze).