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Agent Woman Dana Jackson

Agent Woman Dana Jackson

Agent Woman

[ey-juhnt woo m-uh n]


A woman who embodies the spirit of truth, authenticity and ingenuity. She lives her potential, embracing her unique gifts and shining her light to consciously create a better world. As an Agent of beauty and inspiration, she is a woman admired by our founder, Jena Covello. 

Meet Agent Woman, Dana Jackson. Dana is the founder of Beneath Your Mask, an organic hair and body care brand she created after being diagnosed with Lupus. After not being able to find non-toxic skincare online, Dana decided to create her own skincare products that would restore, repair, and reverse the toxic effects of environmental hazards, health challenges and stress.Ultimately, her luxurious collection of products have been crafted to nourish, revitalize and transform the skin and hair without compromising on any level.

Name: Dana Jackson

Instagram: @beneathyourmask

Daily uniform: Black hoodie and black leggings

AM ritual: When I wake up, I dive into whatever book I’m into. Right now, I’m reading Your Spiritual Authority.Shower and spray magnesium oil on my body before I moisturize head to toe with our Heal Whipped Skin Soufflé. Drink warm water with collagen and apple cider vinegar. Start going through emails

PM wind down: Usually, my fiancé and I spend the evenings together watching one of our favorite shows, researching something we’re interested in on the computer, or discussing what’s going on in our worlds.Before bed I shower, do my face routine and take my bedtime supplements.

Feel-good song: Rise Up” by Andra Day

A mistake you’ve learned from: Thinking I can do everything on my own. A perfect example of that is with my business. For the first two years, I did EVERYTHING on my own. The stress compromised my health again, so I have learned to delegate, seek out help and trust.

To your younger self: I’d tell my younger self to live more in the moment. I’d allow myself to be more free and not overthink and over-plan every aspect of my life.

A wellness expert who has significantly helped you: Dr. Tracey Rico. She’s the integrative doctor that literally transformed my life when I was first diagnosed with lupus. She lives off the grid now, but I am hoping she becomes accessible to more people.

Favorite wellness/beauty book: A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

Go-to stress remedy: Thai Massage

Supplements you can’t live without: Magnesium oil, MSM, Vitamin D (with K1 + K2)

Three things you’re really into right now:

Driving to Malibu to put my feet in the sand, ground myself to the earth and breathe freely without a mask.

Reading when I first wake up in the morning, before picking up my phone.

Shorter work-days and making sure I rest fully throughout the night. The last few years I overworked myself, and it caught up to me, so balance is something that is a priority in my life right now. It’s not easy having balance when you’re an entrepreneur, but I am determined.

Top 3 Instagram accounts for inspiration: @sophia_roe, @yung_pueblo, @ishateria

Your ultimate indulgence: The ultimate indulgence for me is amazing travel experiences. I love seeing the world and combining culture and adventure with luxury accommodations. I like to fully immerse myself, meet thelocals, experience everything a country has to offer, whether that’s climbing a mountain or diving with sharkswhile experiencing the best food and accommodations as well. #balance

Must-have Agent Nateur product: Uni (sex) N5 deodorant