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Agent Woman Maggie Holladay

Agent Woman Maggie Holladay

 Agent Woman

[ey-juhnt woo m-uh n]


A woman with tenacity, confidence, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a distinct point of view when it comes to holistic beauty and wellness. Women that our founder, Jena Covello, admire most.

If you adore vintage furniture and groundbreaking design, you should closely follow Claude Home, a New York-based vintage furniture shop with an exceptional curation. The curator and owner is Maggie Holladay, a former fashion editor with unique timeless taste. Meet Agent Woman, Maggie Holladay.

Name: Maggie Holladay

Instagram: @claudehome and @maggieholladay_

Daily uniform: Vintage Levis with a white T-shirt or tank. I add a blazer during the Winter.

AM ritual: I wish I was a bit more zen, but in reality, I hit the snooze button 10 times, scroll on Instagram, check my email, then put on my Mornings with Mags playlist.

I always take a long shower first thing when I get out of bed. After finishing my skin routine, I head for a coffee and take a walk around the park before fully starting my day.

PM wind down: Getting ready for bed is my favorite part of the day. The first thing I do when I get home is put on my “Nighttime with Mags” Playlist and take a very long hot shower or bath. I do a whole 20-minute skincare routine, then finally put on a robe, make tea, and head straight to bed.

Feel-good song: Fly Me to the Moon by Bobby Wombac or Respect by Aretha Franklin. I like cheesy wedding music if you can’t tell.

To your younger self: It’s okay not to fit a certain mold.

A wellness expert who has significantly helped you: Probably my Mom, she tends to call me about 6 times a day, reminding me to take time for myself and meditate.

Favorite wellness/beauty book: Sakara’s Cookbook, Eat Clean, Play Dirty.

Go-to stress remedy: A quick tennis rally, meditation, or blasting music and dancing alone.

Supplements you can’t live without: The Nue Co Digest Start Drops and Propolis for immunity in my water every morning.

Three things you’re really into right now: Long baths with Nature of Things Restorative Floral Bath, dry brushing, and lymphatic facials with Gua Sha.

Top 3 Instagram accounts for inspiration: @forbreonna, @jordanrisa, and @thelovelandfoundation

Your ultimate indulgence: Grilled Cheese.