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Can Vitamin B1 Reduce Pain Associated With Cipro, Endometriosis And The Gardasil Vaccine?

Can Vitamin B1 Reduce Pain Associated With Cipro, Endometriosis And The Gardasil Vaccine?
By @jenacovello @simpleorganix
First discovered in 1897, Thiamine also referred to as B1 is a vitamin found in foods. Vitamin B1/thiamine enables the body to use carbohydrates as a form of energy, glucose metabolism, and plays a key role in muscle, nerve, brain and heart function. Healthy plants and their roots will also manufacture their own vitamin B1, so it’s likely that healthy soils will always contain adequate levels found in plant foods. However, over usage of pesticide and herbicides may have stripped this nutrient from the soil and plants, adding to the commonly missed thiamine deficiency in humans. During the last few decades, severe thiamine deficiencies have also been observed in wildlife such as fish, reptiles, and birds. The studies also showed strong negative impact on both reproduction and survival according to a study conducted by the University of Iceland in 2009. Although most processed foods, grains and flours are fortified with B1, the heat from cooking destroys its effectiveness. Because the body does not store this vitamin, we are in a constant state of needing replenishment.
Some of the symptoms and associated damage from B1/thiamine deficiency may be:
  • joint/nerve pain
  • menstrual pain
  • fatigue/weakness/wasting of muscles
  • gastrointestinal problems/intolerance of a high grain & carbohydrate diet/colitis/poor appetite
  • brain dysfunction/memory loss
  • irritability/emotional instability/sleeping issues.
  • frequent chest pain/heart problems
  • nerve damage/peripheral neuropathy
  • diabetes/weight gain/thyroid issues
  • postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome aka POTS similarities
Just recently @OrganicOlivia brought the works of Dr. Derrick Lonsdale to Jena @AgentNateur’s attention on POTS, the role he played in thiamine deficiency studies and all of their connection to the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix. A mother had contacted Dr. Lonsdale In 2014 when her daughter had been diagnosed with POTS after receiving an HPV vaccine. As the mother did her own research, she had come to a conclusion about symptoms being very similar to a disease often referred to as Beri-Beri, a disease caused by B1/thiamine deficiency. Because many of the complex structures, chemical reactions and enzymes in the body require the assistance of vitamins,
they potentially may not work efficiently if vitamins like B1/thiamin have not been obtained from the diet.
Dr. Lonsdale also referred to transketolase which is a B1/thiamine dependent enzyme, how to properly measure it in the blood and urine as well as its presence in brain where it has a vital function. When he encouraged the POTS patient to take a transketolase test, it confirmed that the mothers intuition was correct and the patient showed severe B1/thiamine deficiency. Soon after 2 more girls and a boy suffering from post-Gardasil POTS had the transketolase test done that all showed thiamin deficiencies as well. This was the first time vaccine causing vitamin deficiencies had been noted.
B1/thiamine affects both nervous systems, one called the “voluntary system” which is controlled by the thinking brain and the second called “autonomic nervous system” (ANS) which is controlled by the limbic system and brainstem. Because B1/thiamine plays a fundamental role in energy metabolism, the ANS part of the brain is on 24 hours a day requiring energy in large amounts and becomes highly sensitive to any loss of metabolism.
Also shared by @OrganicOlivia were recent studies that link fluoroquinolone’s such as Cipro, Levaquin and Floxin as well as the usage of Oral Contraceptives that increase the enzyme that blocks B1/thiamine. Therefore chances of deficiency symptoms automatically triples for women who have been vaccinated for HPV, are taking birth control and using antibiotics. Foods such as tea, raw brussels sprouts, red cabbage, mussels, oysters, shellfish raw seafood and coffee also have the ability to increase the enzyme that blocks B1/thiamine.
The addition of B1/thiamine rich foods and supplements back into the diet has the potential to be life altering. As written in an article by Dr. Lonsdale, there are 3 kinds of fat soluble B1/thiamine supplements to help replenish:
  • Benfotiamine: prevents diabetic neuropathy, fibromyalgia, depression, back pain, sciatica & thyroid disease such as Hashimoto’s. Shown to reduce pain associated with endometriosis, lowers estrogen, possibly reverses pain from fluoroquinolone damage and Gardasil vaccine damage.
  • Lipothiamine: boosts cardiovascular function, energy production, nervous system health.
  • Alothiamine: lipid-soluble form which was discovered in garlic, corrects sleeping pattern, reduces seizures, aids in depression, easily absorbable.
  • legumes, navy, black, pinto, lima, kidney and mung Beans. Soak all beans for 12 hours minimum before cooking to avoid lectins
  • asparagus & Brussels sprouts always cooked.
  • green peas, eggplant, spinach, garlic
  • macadamia nuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds and yeast
  • oranges, watermelon, pineapple
  • grass fed beef & liver, wild caught salmon, grass fed pork, raw milk, eggs 
  • alpha lipoic acid also assists with sugar metabolism and nerve related pain 
  • magnesium is a cofactor in B1/thiamine deficiency
  • eating organic to avoid pesticide caused deficiency
Proper B1/thiamine levels in the diet may have the ability to help with symptoms associated with fluoroquinolone damage, MS, Autism, Diabetes, metabolism, Alzheimer’s, nerve damage, heart disease, Endometriosis and brain damage.
By Jena and Natasha M