Do most face oils bother you because of their smell and greasiness? Try holi (oil)

Both Camilla Rowe and Lily Kwong wore one of our leading products to the Oscars - our very own holi (oil), Agent's refining ageless face serum.
It truly is the best face oil. When I try others in stores, I can't even wrap my head around the poor smell, quality, texture, and greasiness. Our Agent oil creates such dewy skin while lifting and helping with scars and blemishes. I hardly even wear much makeup these days because of it, and when I do, I mix it with my foundation.
I considered so many oils when formulating, but the insane power of rosehip oil is almost unparalleled for skin health, glow, and radiance.
So, first up, what is rosehip oil?
Rosehips (known as rosa species) are wild plants that have been used globally as medicinal compounds for decades. It's a pressed seed oil, but one of the most incredible things about it is derived from the small fruit beneath the rose.
Rosehip oil is known to be therapeutic due to its powerful phytochemical composition of the oil. It is well respected as a complementary and alternative medicine and even functional food in some cultures.
What's so good about the phytochemical composition?
Rosehip and rosehip seed oil is packed full of antioxidants, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), carotenoids, phenolic compounds, various flavonoids and healthy fatty acids, which, together, play a vital role in the treatment of oxidative stress and deliver antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and skin healing, regeneration and collagen rebuilding,
Let's get into the science behind the specifics.
First up, Vitamin C & Carotenoids - antioxidant heavy & regenerative ready
We all know the power of Vitamin C for topical application & skincare, as well as its power to counteract oxidative stress internally too. With major skin-brightening effects, it is a huge driver of giving your complexion a radiant glow. This antioxidant effect and skin brightening benefits of Vitamin C is further supported by the carotenoids in the oil that also work to eradicate, ban and neutralize free radicals by giving an electron to each of them.
These carotenoids are actually precursors to vitamin A and contain high amounts of vitamin E. Together; these vitamins are a power player for healthy skin. Vitamin A stimulates cells of the skin, helps to restore damaged skin as well as helps fight aging and vitamin E is known for its regenerative and healing properties, particularly from burns, scars, and even DNA damage. A 2015 study found that the use of rosehip oil on patients post-surgery also improved the overall look of their scars. In fact, the seeds and seed oil from rosehip has been used for centuries as protection of the skin and to restore scars after burns, particularly in South America.
Super oil!
Next up, fatty acids & galactolipids - anti-inflammatory & antioxidant packed
Without sounding too sci-fi, the equally powerful part of the rosehip seed oil is the polyunsaturated fatty acids and the galactolipids. Fatty acids are amazing moisturizers for the skin, and they are super hydrating. They also play a role in ceramide formation, which helps keep the cell walls, cell barriers, and skin barrier strong and hydrated. This is a key foundational reason why this oil is so amazing for moisturizing and hydrating your skin.
These polyunsaturated fatty acids are powerful. In addition, the oil from rosehip seeds also contains levels of linoleic acid (C18:2n-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (C18:3n-3) and oleic acid, which are major elements of the PUFA content of the epidermis. These high levels of fatty acid help to soften, hydrate skin, and improve skin barrier function.
The galactolipids (known as GOPOs) in rose seed oil are anti-aging and have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that stimulate the restoration and regeneration of collagen within the skin. These GOPOs are also thought to inhibit human neutrophil chemotaxis, as well as interleukin production, further helping to reduce inflammation within the skin, and because a lot of skin conditions like rosacea and eczema are thought to be inflammatory disorders, the beautiful rosehip oil may also help to reduce symptoms, inflammation and severity of the disorder - as well as reducing general redness of the face.
Going deeper into rosehip & aging
Keeping the cell membrane strong, healthy and flexible is one of the most important parts of avoiding the onset of aging, or early aging, and many factors such as genetics, UV radiation, environmental stressors and nutrition impact the health of these membranes. Taking exposure of the skin to sunlight, for example, the UV radiation induces cell changes, generating the creation of Reactive Oxygen Species (the foundation of oxidative stress). Over time, these reactive oxygen species and free radicals cause chronic inflammation within and all over the body and cause cell membranes' breakdown through photoaging of the skin. This photoaging damages collagen, the skin's moisture, and its amounts of elastin, leading to wrinkles, sagging, and dry skin over time.
It is thought that rosehip can help to promote health and longevity of cell membranes which, in turn, can promote healthy skin6.
Are there studies to back this up?
Yes. A recent study linked here investigated the effects of rosehip powder on the key biomarkers around aging in skin cells. The study compared it against another antioxidant known as astaxanthin which has similar properties and looked into the impact that rosehip powder had on the longevity of erythrocyte cell membranes. They assessed this because hemoglobin leaks out of cells when a membrane is disrupted or disintegrated, so it is effective and easy to study.
Tell me more
It was a small-scale study, looking at 34 people with wrinkles on their faces and around their eyes (known as crow's feet). The study was randomized and double-blinded over 8 weeks, objectively measuring facial wrinkles, skin moisture, and elasticity. The rosehip group in the study showed 'significant improvements' in their crow's-feet wrinkles, skin moisture, and elasticity after 8 weeks of treatment, suggesting that standardized rose hip powder intake improves aging-induced skin conditions. In addition, there was a statistically significant decline in the leak of hemoglobin from red cells as a result of the monthly treatment of rosehip - suggesting that it has the power to support erythrocyte cell membranes and strengthen the skin barrier.
I have acne-prone skin, should I be avoiding using rosehip oil?
Actually, no. While it seems a bit counterintuitive (i.e. you might think that oil might make oily skin more oily) rosehip seed oil actually can be an amazing natural solution for blemished skin. It's known as being non comedogenic. Recent studies have found that a linoleic acid deficiency is likely linked to the development of acne and with rosehip oil being so packed full of linoleic acid, it could help with breakouts.
Low levels of linoleic acid have also been connected to follicular hyperkeratosis, a critical driver involved in the comedones formation of acne as well as an impaired epidermal barrier function which can further set the foundations for increased likelihood of acne-onset and inflammation of the skin and face.
So, in summary, rosehip oil has a myriad of benefits - so it's not surprising at all that celebrities can't get enough of this wonder oil and that our Agent holi (oil) made it to the oscars.
With high levels of vitamin C, rosehip is packed full of antioxidants, fights free radicals and battles fine lines and wrinkles and has the foundations of a skincare superhero.
When ingested over an 8 week period, it has been proven to increase collagen production, reduce crow's feet wrinkles and increase skin's moisture and elasticity. Applied topically, the linoleic acid in rosehip oil helps to battle acne with its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial powers and its impact to affect 'comedogenicity'.
The vitamin A, vitamin E, and anthocyanin in the rosehip oil help to calm inflammation within the skin (helping with inflammatory skin issues like rosacea and eczema), and it also has the power to help heal scars post-surgery.
It's a wonder oil. A medicinal compound and a therapeutic ingredient. But most importantly? It's a critical part of our holi (oil).
Apply it directly to your skin, add it to your favorite moisturizer, or - do what I do - mix it with your foundation for an extra glow.
I can't wait for you all to experience the potency and benefits of this oil. It's truly amazing. You must always make sure that cold-press methods obtain your rosehip oil because high heat can degrade the active key ingredients.
The holi (oil) is the highest quality.
Get yours here.
Love Jena x