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Our Guide To Cooking A Low Inflammatory Thanksgiving Dinner

Our Guide To Cooking A Low Inflammatory Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of year. I love cooking with family and friends and indulging in all of my favorite, decadent foods. What I don't love is how I'm left feeling afterwards. Being that I'm MTHFR positive, my body is sensitive and I feel the repercussions immediately. The bloating, painful cycles, achy joints, water retention and fullness feeling are simply not worth it. I swiped out some of the gluten, dairy, conventional sugar, alcohol and soy that are found in my favorite recipes and replaced them with healthier options. Below we rounded up our favorite lower inflammatory recipes that I PROMISE are still just as delicious! A little reminder, make sure you're buying organic meat (what the animal eats is just as important) and cooking with healthy oils. We put an oil guide together here

Click on the links below:

Nosoy Soy Sauce Brined Turkey

The Best Stuffing I've Ever Eaten (and it's gluten free)

A Decadent Gluten and Dairy Free Pumpkin Cheesecake

Cranberry Sauce

Alcohol-Free Drinks

Vegan Stuffed Pumpkins (I'm replacing the dairy with vegan options)

Pumpkin Pudding Bars