Things to love and appreciate when you’re single

Valentines Day and holidays in general can bring up a lot of emotions for women, especially if we are single. We’ve all been there, and I’m now in a different phase of my life that includes a boyfriend, two dogs and hopefully a baby soon. But looking back, I cherish the time I had for myself when I was single, and want to share some positives you need to know! Here are some of the benefits it brings us:
The Time to Grow: I didn’t realise it at the time but I needed my single days in order to grow and become the person I am today in my relationship. Getting married too young or getting into a serious relationship prematurely can hinder our growth, our work and our purpose in life if we aren’t honest about who we truly are and what we need.
The Time to Discover: Sometimes I miss the days when I could travel for months at a time to formulate and spend time alone taking myself to lunch or dinner and researching. You guys know I love to research! Traveling alone is one of the best pieces of advice I can give anyone. Seeing a new place for the first time, driving a car in a city you’ve never been to, taking yourself to dinner alone, crying in the car because you’re lost and don’t want to be alone, exploring and finding the most beautiful beach, appreciating taking a two hour bath and not having to check in or be ready for dinner- those are all moments I won’t ever forget.
The Time to Follow Our Dreams: I’m not sure I would have been able to launch Agent if I'd been in a relationship. I also truly believe I learned how to formulate because I had so much alone time to study and heal. I took my broken heart and created Agent Nateur. I took the chronic pain from endometriosis and learned how to formulate.
The Time to Nurture: I allowed myself to feel so lonely by myself on a Friday night, oftentimes crying. I refused to mask the pain or go on a date or hang out with people just for the sake of not being alone. I sat in my pain and eventually I began to love being by myself. I still deeply wanted a relationship. I was still sad I didn’t have one. But I also began to truly love and value my alone time. And of course having a fur baby to snuggle and cuddle with always helps.
The Time to Know Yourself: I started to understand my energy and boundaries. I became intuitively aware of who drained me and the places that drained me. I got deeply in touch with my true needs and desires. I’d write lists of what made me happy when I was alone. Travel was always at the top. Each time I went to Europe by myself, I came back a different person, but always a more secure person with a deeper sense of myself.
The Time to Work Out What You Want: Enjoy your time when you’re single, write down the list of all you wish to find in a partner. Hold tightly to what you envision. Become the person you want to meet. Embrace the qualities you’d like to find in a person. If it’s having fun and laughing, then make people laugh and have fun with yourself. Start all of the hobbies you’ll regret not starting. Get disciplined with your diet and workouts. Become your hottest most beautiful self. Be unapologetically yourself and be proud of who you are. The more you love yourself the more magnetic you become. Watch your favorite movie with your favorite actress who embodies all you find attractive in a woman. Mine is always Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct.
Cherish your time being single right now, because if you want to have a family and children, you’ll never get this time back. Most importantly, know like you know like you know that what you desire really is on its way. Have unwavering faith. You can have whatever you want if you let go of self limiting beliefs and doubt.
PS- The night before I met my boyfriend, I posted my mantra “I greet this day with love in my heart” and shortly before, I began signing my signature with a heart to welcome love into my life.