Jena’s spicy tahini CBD infused salad

This salad is not just any other salad. It’s addiction worthy with a boost of calmness on top!
My friend Dara (who I’m collaborating with to launch two products!) turned me on to The Tahini Goddess. We featured one of the founder Sally’s incredible recipes last week for Nateur Cooking and she sent me some tahini to try. I already ate two full bottles (I kid you not I actually started drinking her tzatziki tahini) and have been making the best dressings with them. Sant’Ana California sent me her CBD infused olive oil so it was a perfect time to use it for this recipe. If you like spicy you will love this!
1 big bunch of organic spinach
1 handful of dill
1 handful of cilantro
2 carrots diced
4 radishes diced
A generous amount of The Tahini Goddess Spicy Tahini
4 dashes poultry season
A generous amount of pink salt
1 tablespoon Sant’Ana CBD Infused Olive Oil (I’m not sure how I’d react so I’m started with a small amount
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
The juice from half of a lemon
Toss and enjoy!