Nateur Cooking with Raqelle Talbot -Almond Butter Ice Cream Bars

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring. It’s still possible to indulge in your favorite foods, while nourishing your body at the same time. Here we share clean versions of delicious recipes that will leave you feeling and looking incredible and not to mention, insanely satisfied!
Name: Raqelle Talbot
Instagram: @thepaleo.nurse
Job description: Student Bachelor of Nursing and Content / Recipe Creator
Favorite dish to serve at a dinner party: The homemade Thai curry I learnt to cook in Thailand, always a winner!
Favorite skin food ingredient and why: All the green leafy foods, goji berries and chia seeds – loads of foods, as long as they don’t contain refined sugars, my skin is fine!
Top three Instagram accounts for inspiration:
@sarahs_day – I just LOVE her vibe and her journey sounds a lot like my own.
@elsas_wholesomelife – She is the definition of calmness, and my favorite colors are all on her feed!
@peppahart – Anyone who would jump on this feed would fall in love with the interior and vibe of this lady, she is living my dream life for sure!
Must-have cookbook: Oriental Streetfood by Julius Jaspers, this book will give you the flavors and smells of street food abroad at home. I’m a true traveler so this book will always have my heart!
Top three kitchen supplies you can’t live without: Measuring cups, don’t get me started without them. A big, lovely mixing bowl, the aesthetic will set the tone for the dish. The one and only oven, where all the love is made!
Three things you always keep in your refrigerator: Oat milk, coconut yogurt and fresh herbs.
Favorite online shop for kitchen supplies and / or specialty food items: I don’t really shop online; I would have to redirect you to the secondhand stores and I have a soft spot for Sostrene Grene or small businesses that sell ceramics online!
Go-to quick, healthy meal: Love a good salmon noodle stir fry!
Favorite healthy treat: Everything I make, is that a valid answer? Or a smoothie, real treat, and tastes different every time!
Skincare mantra: Every single morning and before bed- and don’t forget that face massage!
Eat this recipe for: When you feel happy, or down, when you crave chocolate or whenever you feel like having a snack!
Recipe: Almond Butter Ice Cream Bars
400 ml coconut milk – full fat!
¼ cup (60ml) maple syrup
1 tbsp (about 10 gr) almond butter
2 tbsp (15gr) coconut flour
1 tsp (4gr) maca powder (this is optional)
In a small pot, mix all the ingredients and bring to a boil for about 15-20 so the flour can soak up the liquids – keep stirring so the flour doesn’t burn on the bottom of the pot!
Let this cool completely after that time.
Transfer to a bar mold or use a square tin lined with baking paper.
Put this in the freezer at least 4 hours.
Melt chocolate and dip your bars in the chocolate (so if you used a square tin, you’ll have to cut bars first!)
Leave them in the fridge for a creamy snack, or in the freezer for an ice cream bar!