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Episode 113: Dr. Carrie Jones On How Understanding Your Hormones Will Revolutionize Your Health

Episode 113: Dr. Carrie Jones On How Understanding Your Hormones Will Revolutionize Your Health

Women’s health has been left out of the conversation in Western medicine for too long. Fortunately, naturopathic MDs—like Dr. Carrie Jones—are here to change that. Dr. Jones describes herself as a “modern doc with a holistic bent who can appreciate the best of both worlds,” and I think that attitude is precisely what we need to find the harmonious middle ground between functional and Western medicine. Carrie has a better understanding of estrogen dominance than anyone I've encountered.  I've struggled with taking the supplement DIM and didn't understand why until I began learning from her.

Women’s health has been left out of the conversation in Western medicine for too long. Fortunately, naturopathic MDs—like Dr. Carrie Jones—are here to change that. Dr. Jones describes herself as a “modern doc with a holistic bent who can appreciate the best of both worlds,” and I think that attitude is precisely what we need to find the harmonious middle ground between functional and Western medicine. Carrie has a better understanding of estrogen dominance than anyone I've encountered.  I've struggled with taking the supplement DIM and didn't understand why until I began learning from her.

Through my own struggle with endometriosis and adenomyosis, I have become a huge proponent of natural modalities, individual research, and focusing on the root cause of health issues—rather than just masking the symptoms. By making changes in my diet, regulating my estrogen, and taking quality supplements, I’ve dramatically reduced my pain and improved my life.

This is exactly why I invited Dr. Carrie Jones to join me in this episode of Nateurious. This incredible woman is on a mission to educate others on hormone, adrenal, and thyroid health so we can better understand our bodies and make knowledgeable health decisions. As the medical director for Precision Analytical, Inc., Dr. Jones is an expert on the DUTCH Test, an advanced hormone test that creates an extensive profile of a person’s hormones from a quick urine sample. 

I have so much respect for Dr. Jones and her approach to women’s health, and I can’t wait to share her brilliance with you. In this conversation, we cover a wide range of pertinent topics including natural and hormonal methods of birth control, how gut health affects reproductive health, how to prepare for menopause, and why your cycle may be out of whack when you’re stressed (something I think many of us can relate to right now).


  • Jena’s personal experience with estrogen dominance, endometriosis and adenomyosis

  • Dr. Jones’ perspective on birth control and its effects on the body

  • How constipation can negatively impact your hormone levels

  • The 3 phases of metabolic detoxification

  • What the DUTCH Test is used for and the best way to get one

  • Important lifestyle changes to make in your 30s

  • How stress impacts thyroid health, even if you’re on thyroid medication

  • Why you shouldn't do liver detoxes while taking the pill

  • Why estrogen-dominant cancer isn’t always JUST about estrogen


DUTCH Test: Dry Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones 

Perimenopause: A grey area between the reproductive years and menopause where the ovaries begin to lose their hormone-making cells. Can result in symptoms such as irregular periods, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and weight gain.


Dr. Jones’ Instagram: @dr.carriejones

DUTCH Test Website: https://dutchtest.com/

DUTCH Test Instagram: @thedutchtest


Dr. Will Cole’s Website: https://drwillcole.com/

holi (youth) the oceanic adaptogen: https://www.agentnateur.com/collections/products

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians: https://naturopathic.org/

Dr. Schulze’s 5-Day Kidney Detox: https://www.herbdoc.com/5-day-kidney-detox

Estrogen Matters by Avrum Bluming MD and Carol Tavris PhD: https://estrogenmatters.com/ 

Hamama Greens: https://www.hamama.com/

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