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Episode 109: Wade Lightheart On How To Supplement Your Nutrient-Deficient Diet and Take Back Your Health

Episode 109: Wade Lightheart On How To Supplement Your Nutrient-Deficient Diet and Take Back Your Health

Meet Wade Lightheart, the president of BiOptimizers, 3-time bodybuilding champion, author, and expert on gut health and fitness optimization. I’m thrilled to have Wade on today’s episode to talk about all things diet and nutrition for holistic wellbeing… and to get his take on the main thing on everyone’s mind right now: COVID-19.

This conversation was a personal one for me. Much like my own health issues guided me to the world of natural medicine, Wade went through a series of formative experiences that sparked his interest in supplements and nutrition. At age 15, Wade’s family moved to a remote village in New Brunswick and his older sister was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease. As a coping mechanism, he channeled his time and energy into bodybuilding, a decision would fundamentally change the course of his life.

After competing in Mr. Universe in 2003, Wade realized that his body was in a state of dysfunction, and he began studying enzymes, probiotics, digestion, and mineralizations. What he learned inspired the founding of BiOptimizers, a company offering high-quality, research-based products that enhance physical health, emotional wellbeing, fitness performance, and cognitive function. 

Through my own experience and research, I have no doubt that all aspects of health are rooted in the gut and I am certain that we must follow our instincts and trust in what our guts tell us is true. In this episode of Natuerious, we have the opportunity to glean knowledge from a gut-health virtuoso. You’ll learn about the importance of enzymes in digestion, which supplements all Americans should be taking, why you shouldn’t trust every single medical study, plus some behavioral and attitudinal changes you can make that will dramatically improve the quality of your life — both today and in the uncertain future.


  • The detrimental effect of monoculture farming.
  • The 5 basic stages of digestion.
  • The real cause of your heartburn and acid reflux.
  • Signs you have a dysbiosis in your microbiome.
  • A breathing exercise to improve digestion.
  • The common misconception about probiotics.
  • How to identify high-quality supplements.
  • The supplements Wade takes every day.
  • How to live a high-performance lifestyle on a plant-based diet.
  • The #1 way to become a more intuitive eater.
  • The inequality of vaccinations.
  • The inconsistencies of COVID-19 policies and what’s at risk.
  • Inspiration to stay vigilant and keep fighting for what you believe in.


Monoculture Farming: A farming method that reuses soil, rather than rotating crops. This method leads to mineral deficient soil that weakens plant immunity, resulting in the increased use of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides.  

Satiety Index: A measuring system for the amount of a particular food you can eat before your brain registers that you’ve had enough.

Circadian Rhythm: The 24 hour clock relative to the sun that all living things follow. 

Chronotype: Your individual sleep cycle.

GMP Certified Lab: Stands for “Good Manufacturing Process”. These labs follow contaminate protocols.


Wade’s Website: http://www.wadelightheart.net/

BiOptimizers’ Website: https://bioptimizers.com/
*scroll down for an exclusive discount!

BiOptimizers on Facebook: www.facebook.com/BiOptimizers

BiOptimizers on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bioptimizers/

BiOptimizers on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BiOptimizers

*Listed in order of mention

About Dr. Edward Howell: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Edward_Howell

Zach Bush MD’s Website and Podcast: https://zachbushmd.com/

DXA Scan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual-energy_X-ray_absorptiometry

DUTCH Test: https://dutchtest.com/ 

SpectraCell Test: https://www.spectracell.com/micronutrient-test-panel

Homo-IR test: https://www.thebloodcode.com/homa-ir-know/

PULS Test: http://www.pulstest.com/

David Wolfe’s Website: https://www.davidwolfe.com/

Fast food Nation by Eric Schlosser: https://www.amazon.ca/Fast-Food-Nation-Dark-All-American/dp/0547750331

Genos Emotional Intelligence Programs: https://genosemotionalintelligence.com/emotional-intelligence-programs/

Dave Asprey’s Inner Fuel Prebiotic: https://shop.bulletproof.com/products/innerfuel

The Power of When: Discover Your Chronotype by Michael Breus PhD: https://www.amazon.ca/Power-When-Discover-Chronotype-Lunch/dp/0316391263

P3OM BiOptimizer Probiotic: https://bioptimizers.com/product/p3om-60-caps/

Eddie Stone’s Touchstone Essentials: https://thegoodinside.com/

Gluten Guardian by BiOptimizer: https://bioptimizers.com/product/gluten-guardian/

Primergen M by BiOptimizers: https://bioptimizers.com/product/primergen-m/

Primergen V by BiOptimizers: https://bioptimizers.co.uk/product/primergin-v


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In this 12 week program, you’re going to discover how to achieve AWESOME health and double your energy with natural, tested, and scientific strategies: bioptimizers.com/NATEURious

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