Agent Woman: Cayli Cavaco Reck

Agent Woman
[ey-juhnt woo m-uh n]
A woman with tenacity, confidence, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a distinct point of view when it comes to holistic beauty and wellness. Women that our founder, Jena Covello, admire most.
Surrounded by the fashion and beauty industry straight out of the womb (her parents founded legendary PR agency KCD), Cayli Cavaco Reck defaulted to the world she knew so well, yet carved her own path. While working in branding, the entrepreneur started delving deeper into skincare, ingredients, and innovation and began documenting her routine on the Instagram account, Knocking on 40. That account has grown into a beautifully curated brick-and-mortar beauty boutique called Knockout Beauty, which is one of Agent Nateur’s favorite stockists. Meet Agent Woman, Cayli Cavaco Reck.
Name: Cayli Cavaco Reck
Instagram: @knockoutbeauty
Beauty Icon: Ursula Andress
Favorite city for inspiration: Paris
Introvert or extrovert: Introvert in an extrovert's body
Daily uniform: I don’t have one. My parents both had uniforms and I think this is my rebellion.
AM ritual: First, I have coffee with my husband, black with honey. I exercise, shower, and shave my legs with Agent Nateur's holi (skin) shave oil. I shave my legs every time I shower. Then when my skin is still wet, I apply Agent Nateur body oil. Then I do my face: Hydrating cleanser, toner mixed with Agent holi (c), Environ Youth EssentiA Serums, and LaCrème Beaute Venom Cream, and sunscreen.
PM wind down: I have dinner, a bath, cleanse, and tone (I use so many I love, including B3, holi (water), Royal Fern Essence, and Georgia Louise pH Perfecting Tonic). Then I use my NuFace with the Environ Avance Elixir spiked with holi (c), I derma roll with my gold roll-cit, and I apply my serums, cream, and cuddles and chats with my children.
Secret skill: Drawing and digital design
Best Advice you’ve ever received: Keep your own counsel
A mistake you’ve learned from: I was once paralyzed by fear and I allowed it to inform many of my choices. When I acted out of fear, I manifested things I didn’t want. When I act out of abundance, I am met with abundance. Living with a scarcity mentality is a big mistake for me.
To your younger self: It all works out. Jump and the net will appear.
A wellness expert who has significantly helped you: Dr. Soram Singh Khalsa
Favorite wellness/beauty book: The Longevity Diet by Dr. Valter Longo
Three things you’re really into right now: Banana bread and gluten-free coffee cake, using the good dishes, and organizing.
How are you managing anxiety in light of the COVID-19? Calm Chocolates from Good Day Chocolate is definitely helping.
Is there a COVID-19 silver lining for you? I am a homebody, so I like to be home with my family and the fact that the planet is healing makes me very happy.