Agent Woman Talia Eisenberg

Agent Woman
[ey-juhnt woo m-uh n]
A woman who embodies the spirit of truth, authenticity and ingenuity. She lives her potential, embracing her unique gifts and shining her light to consciously create a better world. As an Agent of beauty and inspiration, she is a woman admired by our founder, Jena Covello.
Founder of Healer Collective, Talia Eisenberg is a woman of passion. A connoisseur of daily meditation and studies in both western and eastern shamanism, she has transformed her own life and the life of others (including our founder, Jena Covello). Meet Agent Woman, Talia Eisenberg.
Name: Talia Eisenberg
Instagram: @healercollective+ @ibogaineresearchinstitute
Daily uniform: I dress for comfort.
AM ritual: My toddler accosts me first thing wanting my breast or television. It takes me about 30 minutes to get back into my body, where I wander around the house, trying to remember where things are located. I try to avoid my phone or email for the first hour.
I have a headache without matcha, so I make that as soon as I can find the package. I don’t have time to cook or bake, so I add almond milk in a cup and stir. Meditation comes afterward if there is time.
PM wind down: I’m a voracious popcorn eater. I don’t use drugs or alcohol anymore, so this takes me down at the end of a busy day. Lately, I’ve been extremely interested in Mary Magdalene, what she was really like and her true powers concealed by the church. I am reading the historical fiction novel “The Book of Longings” whenever I can sneak it in and I’m starting to get really into wearing linen as I imagine what it was like to live then as a woman with psychic powers.
Feel-good song: Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac.
A mistake you’ve learned from: I was addicted to fast living and opiates by the time I was 21. I have now been narcotic and alcohol-free for about a decade via plant medicine, ibogaine, and a radical spiritual transformation that occurred in one night.
Today I actively seek peace and something greater daily in place of how I used to seek distraction, drugs, and annihilation. I have learned that less suffering, redemption, and higher consciousness are possible for everyone, even for the worst cases. Open-mindedness, willingness, and honesty are key. By looking at core belief systems and shifting them, we can change our outlook, how we respond to life, and thus we change the world. We create our own destiny this way.
To your younger self: Hang in there. It will get much better. Focus on what’s good.
A wellness expert who has significantly helped you: There have been hundreds! I started a whole company based on supporting healers behind the scenes with business development and marketing skills. We call it the “CAA of Healing,” otherwise known as the Healer Collective.
The last healing I had a few nights ago was with a dear friend and wellness expert. I was in a downstate feeling very stuck during COVID. My friend, Jasmine Hawken, picked me up for a walk and a debrief. She allows me to be a loose octopus in her house/guest room so I can stop, feel, and get in my heart. She holds space for me so tenderly. I don’t have to play a role or have to be anything. In a world of chaos and “doing,” to be able to stop and be loved for just being is such a gift!
Favorite wellness book:
Akashic Records: I learned how to access these universal records during my Masters in Intuition Medicine training a few years back. You can understand the past and the future.
Also, the Tibetan Book of the Dead resonates with me. It explains reincarnation, including what happens after death during the Bardot or limbo state. In the West, we all need to get better at talking about death, regardless of what our belief is after death. It’s one thing we all have in common and can help one another better prepare for.
As a survival mechanism, our brains are shielded to believe death is something that only happens to others, not to us personally. Therefore, we aren’t very prepared for it and in some sort of denial most of our lives. If we were better prepared, we could accept and maybe even enjoy the surrender.
Go-to stress remedy: Energy healing, grounding, and imagining I’m connected to a giant root ball underneath the earth; drinking up earth energy through these roots, feeling supported by the vast layers of earth— releasing what doesn’t serve.
I also like to play with my toddler on the floor and make up stories with toys.
Supplements you can’t live without: Mushrooms.
Three things you’re really into right now: Destruction and rebuilding of old systems that are no longer working. I recently finished an MBA in Sustainable Solutions, which showed me how interconnected everything is. This is the study of systems; thinking about and finding solutions to climate change and social problems using the triple bottom line in the private business and public sectors: people, planet, and profit.
Ibogaine awareness: bringing awareness to alternative addiction remedies and helping to support research to make them more accessible and legal. Opioid addiction is at an all-time high in the US. People are in mental prisons of addiction and solutions do exist, but they aren’t very accessible.
I’m also into learning the realities of entrenched patriarchal establishments such as banking, pharma, Exxon, and oil companies as well as indigenous groups that have been disenfranchised and marginalized from their land in pursuit of pure profit. This is the loss of wisdom and the earth’s health as we know it. COVID, BLM, climate change, and mental health are all interconnected..
I’m very interested in Mary Magdalene and what’s been covered up about her. There is evidence to suggest that she was part of a mystery school in Egypt and that she was able to assist Jesus in his healing powers. The church was threatened by her power, so they packaged her as a whore.
Top 3 Instagram accounts for inspiration: I don’t look at people’s Instagrams. It feels too fabricated. I find inspiration in other ways.
Your ultimate indulgence: No plans for days in a beautiful, modern hotel, with no check out in sight. White rooms, soft white sheets with a down comforter, massage, robes, room service, and a coastal view in a country like Tanzania. Interesting characters hanging out in the lobby. I love places that are still somewhat authentic in their original culture. Then I would explore the streets with no plan in mind— a curious child’s beginner mind seeking adventure and magic.
Must-have Agent Nateur product: Holi(oil) face serum refining ageless face serum. It’s like liquid gold! It smells delicious and I radiate!