How the Immortal Flower Helichrysum Helps You Look Immortal Too

Did you know that Helichrysum is referred to as the ‘Immortelle’ or ‘Everlasting Flower’ because it does not wither after it has been picked from the plant? Isn’t that so cool? This incredible flower comes from the daisy family. It dates back to it *apparently* being one of Greek God Apollo’s favorite flowers, and you would see him wearing it on his head in beautiful ceramic statues ever since. I love that we are all on this journey to everlastingly good skin, so when I came across the flower and the corresponding essential oil and learned about its immortality, I fell in love with it and started looking into what it can do for our skin and our body.
I adore Helichrysum for its beauty benefits (that I’m going to tell you all about), but I also love that its benefits are more potent and powerful than just helping you to ‘get the glow’. On a topical level and through topical application, the ingredient has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties and fights against microbes, inflammation, oxidative stress, fungi, and bacteria on and within the skin. But this ingredient also goes so much deeper. In the right quantities, it can help with muscle and joint aches, help fight against viruses, calm an inflamed digestive tract, help to ease acid reflux and indigestion, help with arthritis (the rheumatoid kind), relieve menstrual cramps/period pains, help control your blood pressure, thin blood clots, protect the heart and even slow, reduce or stop the formation of kidney stones, gallbladder stones, and UTI infections! Crazy!
When I learned this, I knew that it would be a star player in my holi (oil) and holi (body) formulations because I love powerful ingredients, not just on the surface level—and choosing this ingredient? It has never let me down. It elevates my products and the Agent experience.
So, what products have I formulated it into? holi (body) and holi (oil)... so far!
holi (oil) is my refining youth serum face oil. It was one of the first products I formulated (I had just begun studying at my natural cosmetic school and perfumery in Grasse, France), and this product is one I am so proud of, not only because it was one from the start of my journey, but also becaused it is exquisite. Packed with Helichrysum, rosehip (a natural retinol) and a ton of Vitamin A, this refining face oil combines the highest grade of natural, non-GMO organic or wildcrafted ingredients and the daisy extract is a huge power player in this.
Once I had formulated holi (oil) I also knew that I wanted and needed Helichrysum in my holi (body) formulation too - particularly when I learned that it could help with psoriasis and inflammatory skin conditions. The Helichrysum plus the Oryza sativa in my holi (body) oil means that this body oil works in a way that really no other body oil does.
As well as helping with psoriasis, thanks to its antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory power, this beautiful daisy extract can help with:
The Helichrysum I use is organic and is the only known therapeutic oil that contains diketones - regenerative compounds that promote youthful-looking skin. It is one of my most precious and cherished oils due to its alluring scent and ability to repair dryness and overhaul your skin tone, complexion, and general presentation.
I love this immortal flower because, when I use it on my face and body, I feel like it regenerates and nourishes my skin at a cellular level. I really do adore it - what other face and body oil can say that they include an immortal and everlasting ingredient?
I hope you love it as much as I do.
Shop your holi (oil) here and your holi (body) here
Love Jena x