Q & A with French Facialist Lynda Pekarskiy

Nice based, French facialist, Lynda Pekarskiy gives some of the most extraordinary facials. Her holistic approach includes the use of facial massage, which she learned when she studied under Parisian skin guru, Joëlle Ciocco. She specifically incorporates Joëlle’s two famous massage techniques, Le Sculpture and Le Buccal, which relieve tension, increase blood flow, restore volume and leave skin with the most incredible glow. We asked Lynda to share some of her skincare and anti-aging secrets with us and how we can incorporate facial massage at home to achieve flawless, glowing skin.
You use a technique in your facials called Le Buccal. It’s a massage for the inside and outside of the mouth. Can you share some of its benefits with us and explain what it is and its origin?
In my facials I use a technique called Le Buccal, which consists of massaging the lower face from the inside and outside of the mouth. This double massage allows me to work more deeply on the inferior area of the face especially on the masseter, which is a strong muscle (used for mastication) that holds a lot of stress and tension. By eliminating these blockages, the blood and lymph flow are promoted. This massage can also bring a nice relief in case of TMJ disorders. After Le Buccal contours are more defined, nasolabial folds are attenuated and lips are plumped. Le Buccal is also great before an event to get a beautiful glow without downtime. I have been trained by Joëlle Ciocco, a biochemist and facial expert who has practiced this technique for decades in her Care Center in Paris.
You use a lot of massage during your facials. What role does massage play in maintaining ageless skin? Are there anti-aging benefits?
I use a lot of massage during my facials as I believe in its ability to activate the skin’s natural healing power and thus prevent aging by also keeping the vitality of the muscles.
It improves the blood flow, so the skin receives more oxygen and more nutrients. The oxygenation is key for healthy skin. It stimulates the lymphatic system to drain away stagnant waste, so it prevents dull skin. It stimulates natural skin mechanisms like the cell regeneration, collagen and elastin production.
Also, for women using fillers or Botox, the massage is a great complement to keep the skin healthy and glowing. But they need to wait two weeks after Botox and four weeks after fillers.
I like to say that I’m feeding the skin with plant extracts, minerals and plant oils that I use during my facials but also with the massage that is feeding the skin cells.
What’s one technique people can do at home to maintain ageless skin?
One technique that people can do at home to maintain a healthy and fresh skin is massaging their skin. The moment you are applying your beauty products for example is an opportunity to massage your skin. Small rotational movements to take off the impurities when you are cleansing your face. Smoothing movements when putting on your serum and moisturizers. As far as I’m concerned, I massage my face while watching TV in the evening. There are a lot of massage gadgets out there and it can be fun to use them, but really hands are the best tool, though I really like Gua Sha too. No need for sophisticated techniques, just be intuitive. The point is to be gentle with upwards movements and always apply an oil or a balm so that it slips.
Also try to relax your jaw, neck and shoulders where the tensions (hello text neck) prevent a good circulation in the face. Thus, even only massaging your neck can have a big impact on your face.
In my skin consultation available worldwide, through online consultation, I design a 100% personalized skincare routine to support skin health and I can show some massage movements adapted to the client's concerns, so that the client can incorporate them in his or her routine.
How often do you recommend facials for people who want consistent results?
I recommend getting one facial incorporating massage, once a week for 5 weeks, to get beautiful results. And then once a month for maintenance.
You’re a fan of double cleansing. Why do you recommend it?
I’m a fan of double cleansing because well cleansed skin is the most important step in a skincare routine (that and wearing a SPF!!). With the first cleanse you remove the makeup and the pollution particles. With the second cleanse you really cleanse your skin barrier and remove toxins, excess sebum and dead skin cells.
Can you share your skincare routine with us?
AM: I don’t wash my face in the morning, I just spray La Roche Posay Thermal Water or Rose Water. I then mix some holi (c) in my hand with some copper-gold-silver Catalyons and I apply on my face and neck with fingers. I apply the Volumizing Serum from Joëlle Ciocco, then the holi (glow) around my eyes. I add 1 or 2 drops of Apricot Ointment from Joëlle Ciocco, only if I need more nutrition. I finish with the tinted sunscreen SPF 30 from Mádara.
I try to do some movements to stimulate the lymphatic system to depuff my face, like little pressures where are the lymph nodes (around ears, under mandibula, above clavicle) and I drain with smoothing movements along each side of the neck going from behind the ear down to the clavicle.
PM: I double cleanse with the Sensitive Cleansing Milk and apply the Perfective Lotion, both from Joëlle Ciocco. I mix some holi (c) with the copper-gold-silver Catalyons and apply on my face and neck with fingers. I apply the Volumizing Serum and the holi (glow) around the eyes. Then I like to add 1 or 2 drops of Apricot ointment or a simple good quality plant oil. I like to apply an oil in the evening as it encourages me to massage my skin. I switch between hemp, rose hip, plum or hazelnut oils depending on my skin needs. I take only high quality, cold pressed, French oils.
Almost every evening, I do a face massage of at least 15 minutes with my Gua Sha or with my hands.
And each day I take supplements that help to build a strong skin barrier like omegas 3, collagen, zinc, hyaluronic acid, alpha lipoic acid and the classical vitamin C, so important to build collagen.
Of course, I try to get all these nutrients from my diet first, but supplements are a good help.
I’m also a big fan of bone broth for its minerals and collagen and I try to make one with chicken bones on Sundays and then I drink a cup a day during the week.
I drink 1 or 2 cups of Hibiscus tea a day (vitamins A, C, zinc) and green tea, both excellent for the skin.
What’s your favorite Agent Nateur Product?
Too hard to choose only one!! I’ve used the holi (rose) deodorant for about 2 years. I finally found a clean deodorant that really works. I love the holi (c), my skin is much brighter with it and that’s the first vitamin C that doesn’t sensitize my skin. The powder form is brilliant because this way the vitamin C stays active longer and doesn’t oxidize as fast as other forms. And I’ve used the holi (glow) around my eyes for a few days only and I’m already in love. It hydrates this delicate area so well, and that glow!!