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Wisdom Teeth And Extractions

Wisdom Teeth And Extractions

By @jenacovello @simpleorganix

A note from Jena...

From an early age, something intuitively told me not to allow a dentist to remove my wisdom teeth.  I understand that sometimes the teeth become impacted and extraction is necessary, but I like to consult with a holistic doctor prior to any tooth removal. A few years ago, my friend's boyfriend suffered from a bad seizure and was immediately diagnosed with epilepsy the day he had his wisdom teeth removed.  @simpleorganix explores the link between tooth extraction and health issues...

Wisdom Teeth
Did you know that not everyone is born with wisdom teeth? In fact, they are the most common congenitally missing teeth in the mouth. Have you ever wondered why they are called wisdom teeth? Technically referred to as “third molars”, wisdom teeth got their name because they appear later in life (between the ages 18-29) when people are considered to be “wiser”, versus the other teeth that come in as children.
Many conventional dentists believe that these third molars are no longer needed now that humans eating habits have evolved. It is said that they were previously used when humans had to chew harder due to a diet high in raw meats and tough roots. In more modern times, wisdom teeth extraction has been one of the most common “preventative” surgeries performed with over 10 million extractions done annually in America alone. The dental industry associates wisdom teeth with things like infection, impaction, tooth crowding, and pain even though most people extracting wisdom teeth experience no pain or problems at all. The UK dental industry concluded routinely removing wisdom teeth without solid evidence in 1998, after a study at the University of York concluded that there was no scientific evidence to support it. Another British study showed that only 5% of the 500 patients monitored required removal of wisdom teeth. The human mouth may contain up to 4 wisdom teeth. Tooth 1: located upper right. Tooth 32: located lower right. Tooth 16: located upper left. Tooth 17: located lower left. These third molars often stay underneath the gum line in positions such as angular, horizontal and vertical often identified with X-ray imagery. When the tooth has emerged above the gum line, this is referred to as a partial eruption, thus dentist often suggesting removal to avoid decay. Some of the health problems that may be associated with unnecessary and improper wisdom teeth extractions are as follows:
Cavitations: a hole in the jawbone surrounded by dead and decaying tissue that occurs when the surgeon fails to clean out the socket thoroughly to remove the periodontal ligament (gelose cartliagineous material and mandibularis nerve) that attaches the tooth to the underlying jawbone. This hole may harbor microbes and toxins which ultimately enter the body’s circulation via natural pathways and disrupt the terrain, infest organs and possibly promote illness and disease in all of the different parts of the body these microbes travel to. It is noted by the dental industry that almost half of all cavitation’s occur in wisdom tooth extraction sites.
According to holistic biological dentist, cavitations (jawbone necrosis) may also be linked to:
  • heart valve, muscle and tissue complication
  • chronic muscle and joint inflammation
  • ulcers
  • gall bladder
  • cystitis
  • rheumatism
  • asthma
  • thyroid disease
  • herpes
  • multiple sclerosis
  • skin disorders
  • diabetes
  • migraines
  • hypertension
Epilepsy & Seizures: it is common that many epileptics report having their first seizure after a wisdom tooth extraction. According to Dr Thomas Rau in Sweden, disrupted wisdom teeth and improper removal of impacted wisdom teeth may lead to epilepsy. In addition, extracted site cavitation’s and root canals harboring highly toxic proteins from dead tissue and free radicals which can react chemically with nerves or the interstitial system are also to be taken into high consideration.
Other Dental Health Risks:
  • permanent nerve injury causing numbness
  • sore lymph nodes
  • impaired speech and chewing
  • severe periodontal disease
  • cysts
  • possible allergies to toxic dental materials
  • site infections
  • dry socket
  • bone loss
Even though dentists often suggest to remove wisdom teeth to avoid teeth shifting and crowding, new technology in dentistry now provides many options to remedy smiles aesthetically for wisdom teeth that do not cause problems. Even still, there are no studies with evidence that wisdom teeth are in fact the cause of any shifting of other teeth in the mouth. Remember to always seek a holistic biological dentist or holistic orthodontist that is well versed in wisdom teeth, cavitations and how they affect whole body wellness. As well as the importance of preservation of all teeth pertaining to disease.
Natasha M