The best facial I ever had: PRP with Dr. Daniel Moghadam

We spoke with visionary injector Dr. Daniel Moghadam, founder of Modern Aesthetica, (who Jena believes is one of the best in the world) to find out about all the latest treatments in anti-aging and aesthetics. The Los Angeles based PDO Thread Lift expert, shares his favorite anti-aging procedures, including the PRP vampire facial (actress Erin Moriarty is a fan), PDO Thread Lifts and RF Microneedling. We also discuss the best way to breakdown cellulite, get rid of sun damage, as well as his at home skincare tips.
Part 2: The PRP Facial
What’s the most popular procedure in your office for anti-aging?
The PRP facial is the most popular anti-aging treatment in my office. Its natural, subtle, and helps rebuild collagen and tighten pores. I recommend one every 3-4 months to help with general skin anti-aging.
Can you tell us more about PRP? How does it work?
Platelet rich plasma, or PRP, is essentially the concentrate of plasma that is separated from whole blood that contains platelets, and other proteins that help generate controlled accelerated healing when introduced with micro trauma or injection.
How is botox used with PRP to create glass skin?
Botox is used with PRP sometimes mixed together because the Botox can help shrink pores. Pores have muscles around them as well. The Botox in the mix helps tighten muscles and paralyze them. It does help smooth your skin and can give you some subtle tissue lifting and stimulation.
Why shouldn’t filler be used with PRP?
PRP is essentially an acid. Although you can mix PRP with filler, I don’t recommend it normally, given that they do different things. My approach tends to be conservative. I like to do things in a stepwise fashion. There’s never any rush for these things. It’s always best to allow one procedure to take hold before adding on to it. Generally speaking, fillers and PRP mixed together can dilute the filler and cause migration, which is a patient’s nightmare.
How often do you recommend your patients get a PRP facial?
The answer to this is very patient specific. A good general time is three times a year to maintain smooth even skin tone and shrink your pores.