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Crispy Roasted Chicken With Healthy Soy Alternative Recipe

Crispy Roasted Chicken With Healthy Soy Alternative Recipe


3-4 pound organic chicken

Kosher salt

Black pepper 

6 cloves organic garlic peeled 

1 stick of French butter or raw organic butter 

4 bay leaves 

3 stems of fresh thyme

Ocean's Halo No Soy Soy-Free Sauce


  • Thoroughly rinse the outside and inside of 3-4 pound whole organic chicken, removing and discarding giblets.
  • Using your hands, massage the entire chicken with a 1/4 cup of kosher sea salt. Coat chicken with 1/4 cup of Ocean's Halo No Soy sauce. Lay in a pan and place 6 cloves of peeled garlic on top of chicken, under chicken and between legs and wings. Add 3-4 bay leaves and a few long stems of fresh thyme. Let sit in fridge for 24 hours. Sprinkle with black pepper. 
  • The next day when you’re ready to cook the chicken, drain the chicken and place in baking pan, keeping the thyme, garlic and bay leaves. Add 5 tablespoons of Ocean's Halo No Soy Sauce and 1 whole stick of French butter. Adjust oven rack to lowest position and preheat to 450 degrees. Flip chicken so breast side faces down. Roast chicken 25 minutes, checking on it and basting it with the sauce that’s on the bottom of the pan. I like to use a basting brush. 
  • Remove roasting pan from oven. Using 2 large paper towels, rotate chicken breast-side up. Baste briefly with pan juices. Return to oven and continue to roast until instant-read thermometer inserted in thickest part of breast registers 135 degrees, 15 to 25 minutes.
  • Increase oven temperature to 500 degrees. Continue to roast until skin is golden brown, crisp, and instant-read thermometer inserted in thickest part of breast registers 160 degrees and 175 degrees in thickest part of thigh, 7 to 20 minutes.
  • Transfer chicken to cutting board and let rest, uncovered, for 20 minutes. Carve and serve immediately.