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Agent Woman Crystal Koro

Agent Woman Crystal Koro

Agent Woman

[ey-juhnt woo m-uh n]


A woman who embodies the spirit of truth, authenticity, and ingenuity. She lives her potential, embracing her unique gifts and shining her light to consciously create a better world. As an Agent of beauty and inspiration, she is a woman admired by our founder, Jena Covello.

Meet Agent Woman, Crystal Koro. The master esthetician is the founder of Crystal Clear Skin and Beauty, a skincare clinic with locations in West Hollywood and Newport Beach. Crystal also offers virtual consultations providing clients with customized plans to reach their skincare goals. Olivia Culpo and Ariana Grande are all fans of Crystal’s signature treatments. 

Name:  Crystal Koro

Instagram:  @crystal_clear_skin_and_beauty

Daily Uniform: Comfy scrubs and my favorite pair of tennis shoes. 

AM ritual:  Since moving to Newport I've really been focusing on being more intentional with how I spend my mornings. I roll out of bed, make an espresso, add a splash of almond creamer, and sit on my patio with my journal. I map out my goals for the day and what I'm grateful for.  Then it's inside for my morning skincare routine.   

PM wind down:  I'm a night owl so slowing my brain down enough to fall asleep at a decent hour can be a real challenge! The first thing I do is take a long shower and then slip into my pajamas. Then it's my evening skincare routine which I find to be really meditative. It's just me and my skin. After I make Sleepytime tea, crawl into bed and usually fall asleep with the tv on (sorry mom! haha). 

Something that helps you stay in a positive mindset: My daily gratitude routine!   

A life changing realization that you’ve had: Everywhere you go, there you are. So bring love, light, and kindness with you and you will always be surrounded with it. 

A wellness expert who has significantly helped you: OMG my bestie Rachel Llanes. She has taught me so much about what wellness is and how I can create more of it. Because of her I understand we need "5 to thrive" as she likes to say. Positive emotions, like joy and gratitude, a passion, strong relationships, having a purpose, and making progress towards and achieving goals.

Favorite wellness/beauty book: The Upside of Stress by Dr. Kelly McGonigal. This book totally changed the way I think about stress.

Go-to stress remedy: Honestly? Sometimes it's a good cry. Sometimes it's a workout.  Sometimes it's a FaceTime call to my 3-year-old niece. She reminds me what's really important when I'm letting small things that don't really matter that much stress me out.

Supplements you can’t live without: A good probiotic. Gut health is a must!

Three things you’re really into right now: Journaling, walking on the beach, and this new product I'm working on developing and sharing with the world! 

Top three favorite online shops: Bath & Body Works (love their candles), Revolve, and gotta love Costco online.