Agent Woman Jamie Arrigo

Agent Woman
[ey-juhnt woo m-uh n]
A woman who embodies the spirit of truth, authenticity and ingenuity. She lives her potential, embracing her unique gifts and shining her light to consciously create a better world. As an Agent of beauty and inspiration, she is a woman admired by our founder, Jena Covello.
Meet Agent Woman Jamie Arrigo. The Los Angeles based photographer and creative director is the founder of Arrigo Creative, an agency founded on the idea that we truly are better when we support each other. As a mother, Jamie desired to create a business that empowers mothers to thrive, while also providing a flexible schedule and interesting projects. Arrigo Creative offers mostly mother owned brands a resource for all things creative, including photography, photo production, social media, newsletter strategy and creative direction.
Name: Jamie Arrigo
Instagram: @jamienarrigo @arrigocreative
Daily uniform: Jesse Kamm Rangers Pants and a soft t-shirt.
AM ritual: I usually try to rest in bed in silent meditation before my baby wakes me up saying “mama.” I brew coffee and enjoy a slow morning with my family before I walk the dogs. Lately we’ve been making pancakes on the weekdays, because if Covid has taught us anything, it’s that everyday is a weekend.
PM wind down: A bath with my daughter, a Gua Sha facial, books with my children, then I nurse my daughter to sleep.
Feel-good song: Fool in the Rain, Led Zeppelin
A mistake you’ve learned from: Dimming my light to fit in
To your younger self: Let it go
A wellness expert who has significantly helped you: @tobemagnetic
Favorite wellness/beauty book: The China Study
Go-to stress remedy: @bhappywellness drops
Supplements you can’t live without: @poppyandsomeday ginger tincture
Things you’re really into right now: Medical freedom, spreading truth and visiting Florida since it's free
Top Instagram accounts for inspiration: @zachbushmd @the.holistic.psychologist
Your ultimate indulgence: Late night chocolate