Taurine For Anxiety, Stress and Weight Loss

Taurine is a largely overlooked, fascinating amino acid that has been called “The Wonder Molecule" by scientists and the "Nutritional Factor for the Longevity of the Japanese”
Taurine calms the nervous system by enhancing the production of neurotransmitters, and limiting the stress hormones. One interesting animal study found that high levels of Taurine had a relaxing and anti-anxiety effect. Let’s get into it.
Mood Support: chronic stress has a detrimental effect on the nervous system, enhancing changes in cognitive function associated with depression. Chronic stress can decrease the concentrations of serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline in the body, diminishing the experiences of contentment, motivation, and ability to focus, while increasing levels of excitatory glutamate and cortisol, making one feel irritable and withdrawn. In a rodent model of depression caused chronic unpredictable stress, taurine administration was shown to reduce these stress-related changes in the nervous system. It consequently reduced behaviors in the rodents associated with anhedonia, anxiety, and decreased motivation.
Cognitive Function: there is now extensive research to show that taurine supports cognitive function, such as this study which found that taurine improved memory in rodent models of Alzheimer’s disease.
Nerve Conduction and Pain: taurine also benefits the peripheral nervous system. Because taurine seems to modulate the excitation of neurons throughout the nervous system, its function in pain sensation and modulation has been thoroughly explored. One of the primary functions of the peripheral nervous system is to feel pain, or more properly to transmit signals to the brain which will be interpreted as pain.
Taurine and Weight Loss
High concentrations of taurine is present in muscles, and one study on mice found that muscles that have low levels of taurine under-perform while exercising. Taurine may not increase energy levels during exercise in healthy people, it has been shown to increase the amount of stored fat used by the body during exercise. Another recent study has shown Taurine's ability to burn fat by finding that body fat was reduced significantly in obese individuals taking it.
Taurine and disease prevention and treatment
Taurine is the most abundant amino acid in the heart, retina, muscle, brain, and leukocytes (white blood cells). It acts as a powerful anti-oxidant and acts as a powerful antioxidant that is used in Europe for treating various diseases.
Heart muscle deficient in Taurine can lead to heart problems over time. If you increase your intake of Taurine through diet (it is most abundant in fish, seafood and meat) and by taking supplements, it can keep your heart healthy!