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Agent Woman Laura Pavese

Agent Woman Laura Pavese

Agent Woman

[ey-juhnt woo m-uh n]


A woman with tenacity, confidence, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a distinct point of view when it comes to holistic beauty and wellness. Women that our founder, Jena Covello, admire most. 

As the founder of Paris-based MTLP Body Psychology, Laura Pavese does more than just administer massage. Laura’s clients first receive a beautiful view of her stunning garden followed by a short therapy session and a full-body deep tissue massage applying cupping, reflexology, and various techniques she has learned via her studies. Think Chinese medicine, traditional Mexican medicine, Thai massage, and herbology. Essentially, she reads your body to have a deeper understanding of what is going on physically, which she believes is always connected to what you are experiencing emotionally. There's a good chance that when you lay on Laura's table you will release and break down in tears. Meet Agent Woman, Laura Pavese

Name: Laura Pavese


Favorite city for inspiration: All of Mexico.

Introvert or extrovert: Introvert.

Daily uniform: At work: black pants and a white t-shirt. Outside of work: Lately, I’m into suits.

AM ritual: I drink Mate. It’s an Argentinian tea. I drink a liter or so every morning. It helps with digestion and concentration. It’s also a diuretic and wakes you up!

PM wind down: Looking at our garden.

Secret skill: Creating a space of calmness and acceptance.

Best Advice you’ve ever received: “No te preocupes, mejor ocúpate.” Instead of worrying about it, just take care of it.

A mistake you’ve learned from: I don’t believe in mistakes, I prefer to refer to them as experiences. For example, when my father passed away, I realized that I didn’t say everything I wanted to express to him. The moment forced me to look at my patterns and to make a change. I learned to express my thoughts and emotions from that experience.

To your younger self: Be more expressive and more loving. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to say I love you.

A wellness expert who has significantly helped you: My acupuncturist and homeopath in Argentina.

Favorite wellness/beauty book: My bible is Adaptogens in Medical Herbalism by Donald R. Yance.

Three things you’re really into right now: Having long walks at “night” (enjoying the spring light that lasts until 10 pm) in Paris.

Cooking, it’s always been a passion, but I love going to the Sunday markets and buying seasonal produce.

Plants and more plants.

How are you managing anxiety in light of the COVID-19? I’ve been meditating, practicing being present, taking my Valerian microdoses, cooking, writing, and talking to friends and family to express my emotions.

Is there a COVID-19 silver lining for you? Self-knowledge. Since January, I’ve been talking about it because the Chinese calendar is marked as one of big change. And then this happened. It was an amazing opportunity to take the time to be true with ourselves and discover what we need to continue working on and elevate our consciousness.